Arts and Humanities e-Science Support Centre
JISC has funded the establishment of the Arts and Humanities e-Science Support Centre (AHESSC), which will provide direct user support to scholars engaging with e-Science in the arts and humanities, and facilitate the effective and innovative use of existing e-science infrastructures.
AHESSC is co-directed by the Lorna Hughes, Manager of the Methods Network and Sheila Anderson, Director of the AHDS, and based at King's College London.
AHESSC services include:
- Practical assistance and liaison with the existing e-science infrastructure that arts and humanities researchers will need in order to use grid infrastructure, tools, and technologies.
- Advisory and training activities in support of e-science in the arts and humanities.
- A series of outreach activities to promote e-science within the arts and humanities academic community.
- Facilitation of interdisciplinary work and the exchange of expertise on e-science, both within the arts and humanities community, and by means of outreach the scientific and engineering disciplines, and to the existing e-Science community, nationally and internationally.
- Supporting partnerships between the arts and humanities community and the existing e-science support infrastructure that will support advanced research methods.
- Supporting projects funded under the AHRC and JISC funded arts and humanities e-Science initiative.
- Providing input into research strategy development and the specification of the necessary research infrastructure to support research across the arts and humanities.