Funding for the Methods Network ended March 31st 2008. The website will be preserved in its current state.

Audio Presentations

As part the Methods Network's remit to disseminate information about the use of advanced ICT methods in research to the UK scholarly community, a number of presentations and discussion sessions from Methods Network-funded activities are being be made available as audio files. These feature presentations from Expert Seminars and other activities funded by the Methods Network.

To listen to the audio files, click on the mp3 link next to the relevant paper and your browser should automatically decide how to begin playing the content of the file. Alternatively, some browsers may allow you to right click on the link and choose ‘save target as ...’, which means you can save the mp3 format file onto your local hard drive for listening to at a later date.

Expert Seminar on Linguistics: Word Frequency and Keyword Extraction, Lancaster University, 8 Sep 2005.

(mp3) 'Word Frequency: Use or Misuse', John Kirk, Queen's University Belfast, Northern Ireland.
(mp3) 'Word Frequency, Statistical Stylistics, and Authorship Attribution', David Hoover, New York University, USA.
(mp3) 'Alternative Architectures to Examine Related Words, Register Variation, and Historical Change', Mark Davies, Brigham Young University, USA.
(mp3) 'Issues for Historical Corpora: First Catch Your Word', Christian Kay, University of Glasgow, Scotland.
(mp3) 'In Search of a Bad Reference Corpus', Mike Scott, University of Liverpool, UK.
(mp3) 'Keywords and Moral Panics: Mary Whitehouse and Media Censorship', Tony McEnery, University of Lancaster, UK.
(mp3) '"The question is, how cruel is it?" Keywords in Debates on Fox Hunting in the British House of Commons', Paul Baker, University of Lancaster, UK.
(mp3) 'Love - a familiar or a devil? An Exploration of Key Domains in Shakespeare's Comedies and Tragedies', Dawn Archer, University of Central Lancashire, UK.

For more information about this Expert Seminar see the activity page.

Expert Seminar on History and Archaeology: Virtual History and Archaeology, University of Sheffield, 19-21 Apr 2006

(mp3) 'Using GIS to Study Long-Term Population Change', Ian Gregory, Queens University Belfast, Northern Ireland.
(mp3) 'Spatial Technologies in Archaeology in the Twenty-First Century', Paul Cripps, University of Southampton, UK.
(mp3) 'Imaging of Historical Documents', Andrew Prescott, University of Sheffield, UK.
(mp3) 'Finding Needles in Haystacks: Data-mining in distributed historical data-sets', Mark Greengrass and Fabio Ciravegna, University of Sheffield, UK.
(mp3) 'Digital Searching and the Problem of the Ventriloquist’s Dummy', Tim Hitchcock, University of Hertfordshire, UK.
(mp3) 'Using Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software (CAQDAS) in Historical Research: Some methodological issues from the experience of the ‘Health of the Cecils’ Project', Caroline Bowden, Royal Holloway, University of London, UK.
(mp3) 'Crossing an "Information Divide": The OASIS project and its use of XML schema', Catherine Hardman, University of York, UK.
(mp3) '"Oh, to make boards to speak! There is a task!" Towards a Poetics of Paradata', Richard Beacham, King’s College, London, UK.
mp3 'Constructing a Corpus of Material Objects: The case of the Corpus of Romanesque Sculpture in Britain and Ireland', Anna Bentkowska-Kafel, Courtauld Institute of Art, London, UK.
mp3 'Virtual Restoration and Manuscript Archaeology: A case study', Meg Twycross, University of Lancaster, UK.

For more information about this Expert Seminar see the activity page.

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