Funding for the Methods Network ended March 31st 2008. The website will be preserved in its current state.

Visions and Imagination: Advanced ICT in Art and Science

A symposium organized by Gordana Novakovic, Department of Computer Science, University College London on 24 November 2007.

(pdf) (html) Speakers' Abstracts
(pdf) (html) Symposium Report
(html) Tesla - Art and Science Research Interest Group website

This symposium centred around methodological questions and problems within the emerging field of art and science, particularly those involving the use of advanced information and communication technologies (ICT).

The history of computer art/media art now covers a period of almost half a century, so it is clear that the use of ICT in art practice has a long tradition. However, though the field of art and science applies ICT in a novel, challenging and often controversial manner it still appears to be relatively overlooked. ICT is not only a major facilitator and catalyst in the process of amalgamating art with science; it is also capable of linking the two fields in a truly exploratory way. In addition, many contemporary art and science projects result from experiments using ICT methodologies in ways similar to those used in the latest scientific and technological research.

Content of the event

This one-day symposium brought together representatives of all the relevant communities to present, debate, and formulate a preliminary positioning and assessment of the field of ICT-enabled art and science. A small group of invited key figures such as practising artists, curators, scientists and futurists, curators, educators and representatives of funding bodies were strongly encouraged to take a visionary and speculative approach in addressing what they perceive to be the relevant questions and problems.

Who took part

The main target of the workshop was the practitioner community – artists, collaborating scientists, theorists, researchers, critics, curators, and representatives of funding bodies. However, because of the current high level of interest in art and science shown by those who will form the future practitioner community, the event was also open to postgraduate students studying art and science.

Significance for Research

The symposium defined a new interface between the different stakeholders engaged in the further development of art and science through the use of advanced ICT. It was the first time the various members of this new community have been brought together, and one of the key drivers for the symposium is the identification and development of the new research themes that will support and shape this development.


The proceedings of the symposium will be made available through: the symposium website, a webcast of the symposium and video of the event. Other outcomes will include a draft statement on the implications of ICT for the future development and exhibition of art and science outputs and a summary paper in a suitable online or print journal.

Tesla Group

This workshop was organized with the Tesla Group. Tesla is an informal art and science discussion forum dealing with visionary ideas beyond the existing remits of art and science. It aims to form and nuture cross-disciplinary teams, projects and networks, and to assist with applications for funding. Open equally to researchers at all stages of their careers, Tesla may be a particularly valuable resource and support for young researchers pursuing a cross-disciplinary trajectory. Tesla also welcomes artists (with or without academic affiliation), theorists and curators active in the field of art and science. Tesla was founded by Gordana Novakovic in 2005.

AHDS Methods Taxonomy Terms

This item has been catalogued using a discipline and methods taxonomy. Learn more here.


  • Art and Design


  • Data Capture - 2d Scanning/photography
  • Data Capture - Digital motion capture
  • Practice-led Research - 2d scanning
  • Practice-led Research - Digital moving image capture
  • Practice-led Research - Image manipulation

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