Funding for the Methods Network ended March 31st 2008. The website will be preserved in its current state.

Opening the Creative Studio

A hybrid activity comprising presentations and workshops organized by David Gorton, Royal Academy of Music (12 October - 23 November 2007).

(pdf) Participants
(pdf) (html) Activity report
(pdf) (html) Video highlights
(html) Activity website

This series of presentations and workshops explored and reflected upon the design, development, and creative application of new technology in the musical practices of performance and composition. The four-day events series took themes from the Royal Academy of Music's research network Modelling Creativity in Music and presented a number of current collaborative activities as case studies that acted as the focus for debate and critical reflection upon the relationships between musical and technological innovation.


Friday 12 October 2007 - Opening the Creative Studio 1

At this event, Simon Shaw-Miller (Academy Honorary Research Fellow and Birkbeck College) and Mike Allen (Birkbeck College) discussed the interactions between music and visual media and explore the creation of new audio-visual art forms. The day concluded with the screening of collaborative projects by students at the Academy, Bristol School of Animation, and Leeds Metropolitan University, presented by Philip Cashian.

Friday 2 November 2007 - Opening the Creative Studio 2

This research day brought together composers, performers, and electronics experts to question the relationships between performers and instruments. Neil Heyde, David Gorton, Milton Mermikides, Michael Casey (Goldsmiths), and Paul Archbold (Kingston) explored the potential for the extension of acoustic instruments with live electronics, and the interaction of live instrumental performance with intelligent computer systems.

See the full programme for more information.

Friday 9 November - Opening the Creative Studio 3

The third research day of the ‘Opening the Creative Studio’ series focused on digital resources that allow musicians to create their own personal trace through sources and events. Tim Crawford and Geraint Wiggins presented recent work from the Intelligent Sound and Music Systems Group (Goldsmith’s College), whereas Antony Pitts, Hannah Riddell, and John Drinkwater will discuss the Academy’s innovative ‘RAMline’ online musical archive.

See the full programme for more information.

Friday 23 November - Opening the Creative Studio 4

In the final event of the series, Geraint Wiggins (Goldsmith’s College), Milton Mermikides, and Academy Honorary research fellows Simon Shaw-Miller (Birkbeck College) and Vincent Walsh (UCL) explored the questions raised from investigating creative translations between music and scientifically derived data. The day concluded with a roundtable discussion, hosted in association with the Institute of Musical Research, summarising the issues raised throughout the series.

AHDS Methods Taxonomy Terms

This item has been catalogued using a discipline and methods taxonomy. Learn more here.


  • Music


  • Communication and collaboration - Audio interaction - synchronous
  • Communication and collaboration - Audio-based collaborative publishing
  • Data Analysis - Sound analysis
  • Data Capture - Digital sound recording
  • Practice-led Research - Audio mixing
  • Practice-led Research - Music composition
  • Practice-led Research - Sound editing

This static site is hosted by King's Digital Lab to offer public access to a legacy project. It has reduced functionality to improve sustainability